- a/raie gris jaune
- anthracite/bleu
- anthracite/bleu c
- anthracite/gris c
- anthracite/orange
- anthracite/rouge
- aqua blue stripe
- argent
- aruba blue
- ash twist
- ash twist stripes
- ash twist/blue
- ash/yellow
- assortiert
- aubergine
- azur/navy
- Basic Line
- beige
- beige/brown
- black
- Black & White
- black army
- black brown
- black/ash
- black/fuchsia
- black/grey
- black/red
- black/white
- blanc
- blanc cassé
- blau
- bleu
- bleu royal
- blue
- blue marine
- blue stripes
- blue twist
- blue/green
- bordeaux
- brown
- brown/black
- brun clair
- brun claire/brun
- brun foncé
- brun moyen
- brun/brun claire
- brun/raie brun
- brun/raie orange
- cassis
- cognac
- Colours & Stripes
- coyote brown
- cream
- dark blue
- dark brown
- dark grey
- dunkelbraun
- Frosted Colours
- fumée
- glow in the dark
- Gold
- grau
- green
- grey
- grey marl
- grey marl.
- grey/black
- grey/blue
- grey/bordeaux
- grey/fire
- grey/green
- grey/pink
- grey/red
- grey/smoke
- grey/yellow
- gris clair
- gris claire
- gris foncé
- grün
- heather grey
- hellgrau
- hi-vis yellow
- Jakobsweg
- Jakobsweg noir
- joyfull yellow
- just silver
- lemon/lime
- light brown
- light grey
- linen
- lt blue stripes
- lt grey
- marine
- mèlanger bleu
- mid brown
- mix
- mojito
- multicolor
- multicolore
- mushroom
- n/gris neon vert
- natur
- natural
- navy
- navy stripes
- neon jaune
- neon pink
- neon rose
- neon-gelb
- neon-grün
- neon-orange
- noir
- noir/gris raie
- noir/points gris
- nut
- orange
- pearl rose
- pink
- pink stripes
- pink twist
- plum/pink
- purple/plum
- raw white
- red
- red brown/yellow
- rosa
- rose mélanger
- rot
- rouge
- rouge carmin
- royal/blue
- royal/elecblue
- royal/orange
- schlamm
- schwarz
- Serenity Blue
- shiny black
- silver
- silver grey
- smoky star
- steingrau
- Strawberry Pink
- taupe
- Timber
- titanium
- turbulence grey
- turquoise stripes
- türkis
- UV Pink to Purple
- vert
- vert foncé
- viola
- violett
- violette
- weiss
- white
- yellow/black
- yellow/brown